IFR is specialised in fire safety consulting and disaster management training. IFR build up extensive expertise based on national and international first responder activities and worked as a technical specialist and employee in various associations and instituted in the field of security (e.g. VS, VB, TRVB, ON FNA172), employee at the Austrian Standardization (“Normungswesen”), chairman of the working group 15 at CEN TC72, leading the working group for creating the new EuropaNorm EN 54-21 for alarm transmission of fire detectors. IFR has been involved in several national security studies on improving interoperability among first responders in Austria and is also involved as expert in the SKKM 2020 Strategy (National Crisis and Disaster Protection Management – Federal Ministry of the Interior):

  • District Head of Fire Brigade, District Mödling NÖ
  • Member of the Firefighting Association of Lower Austria
  • Brigadier Fire Brigade Lower Austria since 08.04.2011
  • City Commander of the Fire Brigade Gumpoldskirchen since 2001
  • Technical Fire Officer of the NÖLFV since 19.01.1988
  • Head of Staff, LEMA Lower Austria
  • Liasonofficer Government Lower Austria and Minister of Interior Austria
  • Member and Communication Manager Fire Fighting Association of Austria SG 5.6 Disaster
  • Management
  • Trainer for Disaster Management in the Fire & Civil Protection Schools in NÖ, BGLD, OÖ, TIROL und STMK und SIAK /BMI

IFR has extensive experience in disaster management services for wild and forest fires, flooding, search & rescue, staff working and disaster management and for critical communications:

  • Technical Manager for critical and alarm transmission and communication systems
  • Director Operations Aerial Fire Fighting and Flood management
  • Manager for Disasters & Crises
  • Trainer for Disaster management & Crises Communication
  • More than 35 years expert in Alarm and Communication Systems
  • Activities in the human factors, in the special interventions of fire brigades:
  • Special skills in Fire Fighting, Special Fire Fighting Systems, Air breathing, CBRN, Communication,
  • Diving, Fire Detection Systems, Aerial Detection, Staff & Crises Management, Flooding Protection,
  • Rhetoric, Railway Disaster Management, International Disaster Management
  • Fire Brigade Officer Education with Certification for Commanders in Styria and Lower Austria
  • Associated with document Ref. Ares(2020)2131958 – 20/04/2020
  • 883315 SIXTHSENSE – Part B – 105
  • OPM course EU Mechanismus 2009 Neuhausen BRD
  • OPMR course EU Mechanismus 2010 Revinge SWEDEN

As a participant in the SIXTHSENSE project, IFR will leverage previous experience related to:

  • Implementation of special training and skills education for first responder platform implementations, and research directions relevant to achieve the goals of the project.
  • Full-life cycle management of predictive learning models using computational attention and executive function toolboxes on resourced constrained mobile systems.
  • Commercial and exploitation strategies including developing training community models.
  • Building scenarios for training and measurements of human factors in real live for deep learning.

Role of IFR in the project: IFR will be the WP-partner on the WPs dedicated to requirements and use case definition (WP2), integration (WP9) and dissemination (WP10) and field test and integration.
