Prostovoljno gasilsko drudruštvo Postojna (GDP, http://www.pgd-postojna.si/) will participate in the SIXTHSENSE project as a practitioner, that has been a first responder organization in charge of firefighting industrial, forest & wild fires, rescue operations from cars, flooding, technical disasters, for the past 140 years (since 1880). Our organization consists of 196 voluntary members, and 10 professionals. The personal is specially trained for forest fire fighting, industrial and house fires, technical rescue, chemical accidents, diving, flying, flooding, command and control and handling big disasters.
Role of GDP in the project: GDP will be a practitioner partner, and will share their experience and domain knowledge in actual needs, constrains and challenges occurring in firefighting, as well as assist in field tests of the developed technologies in relevant environment and conditions.
GDP will participate with its firefighters in project workshops and other co-development activities to help the consortium to obtain adequate information on the environmental exposure, physical effort and high stakes stress impacts during firefighting events and operations. GDP will also present project activities and results within the international organizations, in order to raise the awareness and improve willingness of first responder organizations to adopt new technologies and take active role in technology development.