News related to the SIXTHSENSE Gamma stakeholder workshop in held on October 20th, 2023 in Rijeka (Croatia). The SIXTHSENSE event was a part of the 4th meeting of Firefighter’ safety hosted by Primorsko-Goranska County Fire Department and the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Rijeka.
The SIXTHSENSE project presented in the EURONEWS report from the Nicosia Risk Forum 2022 event:
News related to pilot testing of Beta prototype for electrotactile stimulation in relevant conditions for mountain rescue scenarios of interest:
Hop na Kop
News related to Alpha prototype field trials for the mountain rescue use-case in Bormio, Italy:
Hop na Kop
Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia offical website
News regarding the results of the Alpha prototype field test in Croatia were published in a number of Spanish news media:
noticiascyl León
Diario de León
Diario de Castilla y León
ABC Castilla y León
Pau Costa foundation
and on the ULE’s website:
Universidad de León
Researchers from University de León have been testing the physiological stress of first responders using a model developed during the Alpha phase of the project. Press release with more information can be found on the following links:
noticiascyl León
Diario de León
Universidad de León
After successful alpha prototype testing, Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia had the news published on various Serbian news media:
SPRI Group – the development and infrastructure department of the Basque Government that promotes the Basque industry published an article about the SIXTHSENSE project, that can be found on this link.
La Nueva España – the Spanish newspaper published the Metrohm DropSens press-release about the SIXTHSENSE project, that can be found here.
TECNALIA press-release can be found here.
Aalborg University press-release can be found here.
Prostovoljno gasilsko društvo Postojna’s press-release can be found here, and the announcement on their Facebook page can be read on this link.
Jobst Technologies press-release can be found here.
Global Electronic Solutions press-release can be found here.
Eucentre Foundation press-release can be found here.
BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft press-release can be found here.
HopNaKop – published an article about the participation of the Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia in the SIXTHSENSE project. Read more on this link.
Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia’s press-release can be found here.
TeleGroup’s press-release can be found here.
Project announcements can also be found in various Serbian popular news media (click on the links to find out more):
Novi magazin
RTV Paraćin
BiFlow Systems press-release can be found here.
Universidad de León’s press-release can be found here. Also, there are announcements on the ULE and Unidad de Fuegos Forestrales Facebook pages, as well as the ULE Twitter page.
The project was also presented by the ULE researcher in an interview with Paou Costa Foundation. You can read more on this link.
ULE’s participation in the SIXTHSENSE project was published in the articles of Spanish popular news media (click on the links to find out more):
Diario de León
Rijeka Fire Brigade had its press-release published on Vatrogasna Zajednica Primorsko-goranske županije website.
Association of Mountain Rescue Organizations of B&H had the articles about it’s participation in SIXTHSENSE project published in various B&H popular news media (click on the links to find out more):
Senetics Healthcare Group’s press-release can be found here.